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Thread: Ports: What's open and why?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ports: What's open and why?

    Alright, so I'm locking down my laptop. I know I can use a firewall to ensure nothing gets through that I didn't catch, and I certainly plan on using one, but in the meantime, I want to know what exactly is running on my system.

    nmap localhost returns:

    james@james-linux:~$ nmap localhost
    Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-07-26 23:33 CDT
    Warning: Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Using
    Interesting ports on localhost (
    Not shown: 994 closed ports
    25/tcp   open  smtp
    111/tcp  open  rpcbind
    139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
    445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
    631/tcp  open  ipp
    2049/tcp open  nfs
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.18 seconds
    However, I know that localhost goes back to the loopback interface, So, to see what was really open, I ran nmap, which is my laptop's IP at the moment.

    james@james-linux:~$ nmap
    Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-07-26 23:33 CDT
    Interesting ports on
    Not shown: 996 closed ports
    111/tcp  open  rpcbind
    139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
    445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
    2049/tcp open  nfs
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.14 seconds
    Now if I understand correctly, I can attribute 139 and 445 to my Samba share. That I'm okay with. What I don't know is 111 and 2049. Does anyone know what these ports are, what's running on them, and how I could turn them off, supposing that they are a security risk?

  2. #2
    wojox is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    The Network File System (NFS) was developed to allow machines to mount a disk partition on a remote machine as if it were a local disk.

    The rpcbind utility is a server that converts RPC program numbers into universal addresses. It must be running on the host to be able to make RPC calls on a server on that machine.

    Are you running wubi?

  3. #3
    nmaster is offline Extra Foam Sugar Free Ubuntu
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    well nfs is probably network storage.

    according to wikipedia, rpcbind is this:

    rpcbind Handles conversion of remote procedure calls (RPC), such as from ypbind.

  4. #4
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    No, this is a dedicated partition installation.

    And I haven't made any NFS shares, nor am I running any RPC software (that I know of). Is there anyway to find out?

  5. #5
    nmaster is offline Extra Foam Sugar Free Ubuntu
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShinHadoken View Post
    No, this is a dedicated partition installation.

    And I haven't made any NFS shares, nor am I running any RPC software (that I know of). Is there anyway to find out?
    try looking at
    aptitude search nfs
    aptitude search rpc
    that'll let you see some of the packages that may be installed. not all of them will be relevant, but look at the description.

  6. #6
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    I'm not familiar with Aptitude output, does this mean anything to you?

    james@james-linux:~$ aptitude search nfs
    v knfs -
    p libfile-nfslock-perl - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
    p libnfsidmap-dev - header files and docs for libnfsidmap
    i A libnfsidmap2 - An nfs idmapping library
    p libyanfs-java - Yet Another NFS - a Java NFS library
    v nfs-client -
    i A nfs-common - NFS support files common to client and ser
    i nfs-kernel-server - support for NFS kernel server
    v nfs-server -
    p nfs4-acl-tools - Commandline and GUI ACL utilities for the
    p nfswatch - Program to monitor NFS traffic for the con
    p p3nfs - to mount the file systems on the Psion/Sym
    p unfs3 - User-space NFSv3 Server
    p unionfs-fuse - Fuse implementation of unionfs
    james@james-linux:~$ aptitude search rpc
    p cipux-rpc-tools - Commandline helper tools for XML-RPC serve
    p cipux-rpcd - XML-RPC server for CipUX
    p event-rpc-perl - dummy package to install libevent-rpc-perl
    p gambas2-gb-xml-rpc - Gambas RPC component
    p installation-guide-powerpc - Ubuntu installation guide
    p libcipux-rpc-perl - XML-RPC routines for perl-based CipUX XML-
    p libdcerpc-dev - DCE/RPC library
    p libdcerpc0 - DCE/RPC client library
    p libevent-rpc-perl - Event based transparent Client/Server RPC
    p libfrontier-rpc-perl - Perl module to implement RPC calls using X
    p libgssrpc4 - MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - GSS enabl
    p libjavascript-rpc-perl - Perl module to process Remote procedure ca
    p libjson-rpc-perl - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protoc
    p liblua5.1-xmlrpc-dev - Documentation files for the xmlrpc library
    p liblua5.1-xmlrpc0 - xmlrpc library for the Lua language versio
    p libplrpc-perl - Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers
    p libprpc-perl - Perl extensions for writing pRPC servers a
    v librpc-ocaml-dev -
    i librpc-xml-perl - Perl module implementation of XML-RPC
    p librpc2-5 - Remote Procedure Call implementation 2
    p librpc2-dev - Remote Procedure Call implementation 2 (de
    p librpcsecgss-dev - header files and docs for librpcsecgss
    i A librpcsecgss3 - allows secure rpc communication using the
    p libtirpc-dev - transport-independent RPC library - develo
    p libtirpc1 - transport-independent RPC library
    p libxmlrpc-c3 - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and
    p libxmlrpc-c3-dev - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and
    p libxmlrpc-core-c3 - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and
    p libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and
    p libxmlrpc-epi-dev - Development files for libxmlrpc-epi0, a XM
    p libxmlrpc-epi0 - A XML-RPC request serialisation/deserialis
    p libxmlrpc-epi0-dbg - Debug symbols for libxmlrpc-epi0, a XML-RP
    p libxmlrpc-light-ocaml-dev - XmlRpc-Light is an XmlRpc library written
    v libxmlrpc-light-ocaml-dev-nys44 -
    p libxmlrpc-ruby - transitional dummy package
    v libxmlrpc-ruby1.8 -
    p libxmlrpc3-client-java - XML-RPC implementation in Java (client sid
    p libxmlrpc3-client-java-gcj - XML-RPC implementation in Java (client sid
    p libxmlrpc3-common-java - XML-RPC implementation in Java
    p libxmlrpc3-common-java-gcj - XML-RPC implementation in Java - gcj nativ
    p libxmlrpc3-java-doc - XML-RPC implementation in Java (API docume
    p libxmlrpc3-server-java - XML-RPC implementation in Java (server sid
    p libxmlrpc3-server-java-gcj - XML-RPC implementation in Java (server sid
    p likewise-open5-rpc - transitional dummy package
    v not+powerpc -
    v not+powerpc64 -
    p openser-xmlrpc-module - XML-RPC support for OpenSER's Management I
    p pearpc - PowerPC architecture emulator
    p php5-xmlrpc - XML-RPC module for php5
    p python-transmissionrpc - Transmission RPC client module for Python
    p rpc2-dbg - Remote Procedure Call implementation 2 (de
    p rpc2-tools - Remote Procedure Call implementation 2 (ut
    p rpcbind - converts RPC program numbers into universa
    p trac-xmlrpc - XML-RPC interface to the Trac wiki and iss
    p xml-rpc-api2cpp - Generate C++ wrapper classes for XML-RPC s
    p xml-rpc-api2txt - Dump an XML-RPC API as a text file

  7. #7
    wojox is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    Look at

    man nfs
    man rpc

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    You can easily find out what processes are listening on what ports. No need to bother with a port scanner, which can be very misleading when scanning a system from itself, even if you scan the external interface.
    sudo netstat -tulnp

  9. #9
    nmaster is offline Extra Foam Sugar Free Ubuntu
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShinHadoken View Post
    I'm not familiar with Aptitude output, does this mean anything to you?
    anything with an "i" next to it means that the package is installed. this means that you do in fact have packages installed that you were unaware of. try the suggestions from the other posters.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Ports: What's open and why?

    Alright, I've found that the NFS port is opened by (surprise) nfsd. Does anyone know how I can turn it off? I have no NFS shares to my knowledge.

    The RPC port I'm guessing belongs to either rpc.mountd, rpc.statd, or rpciod, all of which are running, and none of which I can kill. They just keep springing back up. From reading the man pages on these processes, they seem to be linked to NFS. So, once again, anyone have a clue on how to stop NFS and its cronies?

    Also, I'm having a Samba issue. I use Gufw as my firewall. I went into Gufw and allowed the ports for Samba. When I go to browse shares on my network, I can't see them, even with these ports open. However, when I turn the firewall off, all is well. I've tried allowing every Samba, SMB/CIFS, and Netbios port I can find, and nothing works. Samba is obviously using a port I don't know about. Any ideas?

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